hey guys part of the yaw family now looking forward to flight sims


  • Welcome to YawVr family huni 😘 any problems or if you need advice please ask us here or discord.

  • thank you for the reply the first week I had deep burn marks in the shell the default settings were untouched I have also contacted support they assured me that they will replace the shell all good but i certainly don't want this to happen again

    my weight is 80 kg and 10 kg of counterbalance due to peddles and yoke system so in total I am looking at 120 kg

    the shell weighs off the motors 40kg

  • 120kg total is too much I believe. Can you reduce the weight at the front?

  • hi am in melbourne

    just got my yaw2 and also had some rollers completely loose, had to work out their position and the assembly was fine

    apart from misaligned holes.

    however have been unable to get the chair to work with my pc.

    am not sure what software to load and cant find any info on line

    my email is svorayo@optusnet.com.au

    if you could make cointact it woul be great help.

    merry xmas

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