YAWVR Chair problems - Calibration not working

I've been trying to work with tech support on an issue I'm having with my new YawVR. Basically it seems like the footrest is so heavy that it won't stay centered and level, even after calibration. I have to hold it in position to get it calibrated, but the moment I let go, the footrest hits the ground and if I start the unit it jerks the chair about. If I can't calibrate it level then I cannot use the chair.

Has anyone had this problem, and if so, how did you fix it?


  • Did you calibrate it with you inside the bowl?Thats the way to do it..

    With nobody in it,it will not work

  • OH! Okay, no I didn't. The manual online said to calibrate with no one seated inside.

  • This was the issue, really. In the manual, they confusingly indicate that you calibrate BEFORE someone sits in the chair.

    It's working now thanks to your help! But now I have another issue. The tracker won't charge. I plug it in and it doesn't light up indicating its charging. I can't imagine it broke so easily. If it did, that's a heck of a problem for such an expensive product.

  • You might need to wiggle a bit as the micro usb port is very sensitive. Remove the cable and reinsert carefully. Also make sure to use 1amp usb plug not quick charger.

  • I have a similar problem, but before that it worked. I tested it for the third time now. At the beginning I tried to calibrate, then I played for half an hour and suddenly he stopped responding. Calibration now does not work with an inside or outside .what can i do? I've only had the yaw for a few days

  • @Sashmigo - before you mount the footrest please turn it on  (and also turn on the device) and make some circles in the air with the footrest randomly, just to calibrate the tracker. Fit the foot rest including the tracker to the shell then hold the foot rest center above the base logo and level then hold the calibration button in the app.

  • So... Please, confirm the steps, i am very rookie, and i am having some troubles....

    firs disassemble the footrest (including the traker) because i have it fited now...

    Turn On the Simulator and App (Not the Motor)

    Make some circles (With the footrest in the air)

    Fit the Footrest (including the traker)

    And calibrate (holding the foot rest center above the base logo and level then hold the calibration button in the app)

  • edited October 2020

    @jsilvafe You don't need to take off the foot rest leg that has the imu tracker. That's only if you're having tracking issues. You just download the yawvr app on your mobile then make sure your mobile is connected to a 2.4ghz wifi connection (for now) then turn on the tracker button that's now bolted to the shell inside. Turn on power button at the back of the base along with key turned to 4 o clock position. You'll now see the yawvr pop up on your phones app (turn on Bluetooth if you don't and restart the app) then put in your wifi password and tap connect. You'll see the led lights on the yawvr change colour and come to life with solid green Y on the tracker. Then you do the calibrationbby making sure the shell is level and its above the YAW logo at the front. Hold down the calibrate icon in the app for couple of seconds as this calibrated all axis. I suggest that you also disable yaw axis in the app and set the yaw degrees to 0°. You can download yawvr game engine from the download section in this forum on your pc and away you go. You'll need to start the game first then pause then select the game plugin on the left and start plugin then start device.

    If you have any issues or questions please ask us in the discord channel. Thank you

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