How can i add a very very slight engine vibration with xplane 11 on the yaw vr

 i had RPM 0.5 multiplier on amp.and constant 17 on hz.. but it was rumbeling like crazy


  • you can set a limit on amp output to 70-100 and after play with the 0.5 multiplier (you can decrease-it until the vibration will be convenient)

  • The RPM game data is the actual RPM of the engine. Too high to manage with a one decimal place multiplier. The plugin needs to make the data reasonable or we need the multiplier not to be ignored past 1 decimal place. In the meantime you can make the AMP the constant at 35 or 45 or whatever strength you want and use a 0.1 multiplier on the Hz tied to the RPM force. I would think this type of variable Hz vibration is probably preferable to simulate an engine also.

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