led chair lights

hi i am having trouble getting chair lights to work. Do you have to program them through the game engine to work. Also my unit came with a remote control and usb cable . i assume this is an option.Any input appreciated tthanks Ted


  • Hi Ted, You can change the rgb lights in the yaw vr app by swiping right I believe. I'll have to ask as I'm just a volunteer admin here.

  • From a user on the discord channel Domm

    "disconnect the wires plugin that's from the remote, then you can connect your correct wires that's from the Yaw2, to the back of the seat rest."

  • @Theo1

    From user Alec

    "Yep. I just took my chair off and unzipped the cover to find mine. So the three-wire is probably shorter than it's supposed to be, but the wire coming off the platform was long enough to make up for it. Getting the chair zipper back up was a real pain in the ass though. Good now though."

  • yes I pluggedin the chair properly . still nothing. Just wondering .Doyou have to turn on LEDS in the software first or should the chair light up as soon as you turn it on? You r right the zipper is a pain in the butt. Put a ziptie thru the eyelet of the zipper. It makes it easier to close. Thanks Ted

  • Might be a switch on the led cable too. I would try the led strip on usb power bank to make sure it works. Then try the yawvr config app too.

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