Game Engine Xbox Controller Profile

I am looking to purchase a Yaw in the coming months but have yet to find a decisive answer about the Xbox Controller Profile. Does it respond to controller outputs like left analog, forward, backward, angle left and right and right analog yaw. Vibration???

If so this makes pretty much every game compatible with it (other controllers one could just use Xoutput to turn it into and xbox controller).

Regardless grateful to have the chance to buy a motion Simulator.

Jumping the gun I purchase the wireless Xbox 360 Cyborg F.l.y. 9 Hotas, just hoping my HTC Vive doesn't turn it into the first game I played, HANGMAN. Still worth the risk.


  • edited January 2021

    The Cyborg F.l.y. 9 arrived matching my Cyborg R.a.t. 9 and the best backlit wireless keyboard I could find, the Royal Kludge.

    A wireless setup 7 years in the making. The lowly R.a.t. has no more support and the software and battery life is horrid.

    Can not believe how much more fun futuristic racers are with this thing and being Xbox jams Readout perfectly.

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