YAW VR only working with Valve or HTC?

I am considering to buy one of these YAW VR seats and I am new here: as I have learned a efficient motion cancellation is only possible with a HTC Vive or a Valve Index as these are the only VR sets that use a lighthouse system. Is this correct? On the website of YAW there is a download of Yaw VR Open VR Emulator v.1.31 - in this there is a description of how to use motion cancellation without a controller (only for calibration it seems a controller is needed) - has anyone tried that? Answers are very much appreciated....


  • I believe those are the best headsets to use with YawVR since their motion cancellation solution is the most robust. I have all oculus devices, and I did get motion cancellation working on my quest 2 but it was using an old version of Virtual Desktop and I'm not sure if the latest supports it. Hopefully they will add that back in...

  • I think Pimax HMDs have motion cancellation provided by Pimax as well.

  • Update: it looks like the latest version of Virtual Desktop is compatible with Open VR Motion Compensation (OVRMC). You just have to specify a flag when starting up the streamer on your PC: /DisableRenderPose

    See the Virtual Desktop bug: http://feedback.vrdesktop.net/?ia=135041

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